In Search Of Hot Dogs, Tchotchkes, And Women's Roller Derby

One man's desperate attempt to gain weight and avoid all responsibility!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Beginning To Feel Like A New Man

On this trip I'm going to squeeze in what can and not worry so much about the things I might miss. Yesterday, rather than wake up early and get a head start on the day, I slept in and didn't leave my hotel until noon. I went back for Round Two at Hillbilly Hot Dogs. While there I took another pile of pictures and ate a few more of their finest. After a quick stop for some road provisions I made my way to Louisville, KY to see my old buddy Kevin. No stress. No worries about making "good time." It's important to enjoy these moments rather than be concerned about the next one...

I haven't seen Kevin in many, many years. I'd forgotten how funny he really is. I arrived at his home and before even introducing me to his son he showed me a photo (framed, on his mantle) of women he has "dated." He was very descriptive. Just like the old days we began to use language and make noises that shall not be described here. As the tour progressed it became clear how much he adored his son. The place is teeming with photos of their adventures together. Upon meeting his son Kyle it became clear all Kevin's work has paid off. They are the best off friends. The father-son relationship is clear... most of the time. At others they're like goofy roommates. It was sweet to watch. Kevin remains one of the funniest guys I've ever known but as it turns out he's also thoughtful and introspective... what a nice guy.

So, maybe this trip isn't just about what I've seen or the food I've consumed. Equally or more important is the reconnecting with friends. That is what truly enriches a person.


  1. Albuh,

    Take it easy and don't miss anything. You'll get there. See you in Area51GA.

  2. I Love this!!! I get to see the country through your eyes!! Maybe you will find some "Chocolate Pops" along the way. Oh, that wouldn't be good cause you might not like mine anymore!!!!!! YGH!!!!!!!!!

  3. Sleeping in is one of the joys of lazy summer days.

    John and I are fans of your blog. Keep on Blogging Al...

  4. Kevin in KentuckyJuly 5, 2010 at 4:09 PM

    Al, who would have thought you had such a way with words. Have a blast on the rest of your trip! It was excellent to have an old friend in town. I will now be a blogging fan Like Karen and John. Always remember "Live Long, Laugh Often and Love Much"....Take Care my Friend and God Bless. P.S. Quit watching Bill's video Text..I can hear it in Kentucky...:)

  5. Enjoy Al. Im slightly jealous that you'll be eating great eats through out our great nation. You need a photographer? Ill be looking for your next exploits. Take it slow. Glenn
